By Us.

While I was in law school, I earned a scholarship to study in Japan. While there, I fell in love with onigiri!

Onigiri was sold in multiple places including vending machines in Japan. Onigiri is a delicious ball of rice with salmon or other items in the center, beautifully wrapped in seaweed called Nori.

In my short time in Japan, I became overwhelmingly fascinated by the vending machines seemingly on every city block! My fascination mostly stemmed from the products sold in the vending machines - Japanese vending machines have the capacity to sell hot meals, fresh fruits, fresh squeezed juices, etc.

These vending machines will allow people living in food deserts to have access to nutritious snacks, meals, and drinks right outside their home on their sidewalk.

Nori is bringing ultra modern vending machines to your neighborhoods, metro areas, and your favorite businesses.

Nori - The final solution to food deserts.